Hello everyone! My name is Neil Huntley and welcome to my website/hobby project! On this website you will learn about me, the thought processes and technologies that allowed me to create this website, and other projects that I have done throughout my college career. I hope you find what you are looking for!
Here are some navigation tips for my website:
- The page that you are currently on is my homepage. Here, I put all necessary information that should help you successfully navigate my website.
- The next link on the navbar at the top of the screen will take you to the about section of my website. On that page, I put all the important information regarding my college career and my deep interest in Computer Science.
- After the about me page, on the link over is the admin page. This page is more just for me so that I can more easily edit the weekly logs page with updated content.
- Following that, you will land on my misc projects page. The purpose of this page is to display prior and current projects that I have completed over the years.
- The last link on the navbar will take you to my weekly logs page. On this page, I log the weekly additions that I have made to the website. The primary difference between this page and the misc projects page is that this page more so pertains to the direct additions made to this website.